WET 102 (1 credit)
Laboratory Skills
In this course students will learn the basic math and laboratory skills needed to be successful as environmental professionals. Students will learn basic calculations, unit conversions, laboratory glassware, operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment, and basic laboratory testing used in the environmental field. Select lab methods will be utilized to provide students with a solid understanding of gravimetric, volumetric, and colorimetric methodologies. Basic chemical hygiene and chemical waste disposal will also be presented.

WET 106 (3 credits)
Wastewater Collection

Wastewater Collection will provide students with an introduction to the practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater collection systems, with a focus on the knowledge and skills operators need to identify collection system problems and select appropriate methods to solve them. Students will learn the components and typical layouts of collection systems, and be introduced to safety procedures for construction, inspection and testing of sewers, inspection of manholes, and underground construction and repair. Students will learn the basics of closed-circuit television inspections, clearing stoppages, cleaning sewers, and controlling roots, grease, odors, and corrosion in collection systems, and will learn to solve arithmetic problems relating to the operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems.

WET 111 (3 credits)
Drinking Water Distribution

Students learn about the practical aspects of operating and maintaining water distribution systems, emphasizing safe practices and procedures, including the role and duties of water distribution system operators, procedures for operating and maintaining clear wells and storage tanks, and components and characteristics of distribution system facilities. The course covers the basics of operating and maintaining distribution systems, maintaining water quality in the system, disinfecting new and repaired facilities as well as water delivered to consumers. Techniques for recognizing hazards and developing safe procedures and programs is also taught.

WET 116 (4 Credits)
Water Resources

Water Resources will introduce students to topics such as the properties of water, water resources management, sources of water, management of stormwater, and water quantity and quality requirements. Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics surface water and groundwater sources, and will examine the impacts of urbanization on runoff. Students will discuss the relationship between the hydrological cycle and the treatment of water and wastewater. Students will gain hands on experience through laboratory exercises, case studies, and field trips, as appropriate.

WET 121 (2 credits)
Safety, Health, and Security

Water and Wastewater Safety, Health, and Security will provide students with an introduction to Safety, Health, and Security procedures to address the hazards and risks associated with operating and maintaining water and wastewater systems. Students will learn about industry accepted safety practices to provide the workforce a safe working environment. Identify and predict hazards in the work environment. Learn the proper use of personal protective equipment to mitigate the risks and hazards associated with operating and maintaining treatment plants, water distribution systems, and wastewater collection systems. Students will learn about the biological and chemical hazards associated with operating plants. Students will be introduced to security and emergency preparedness and the importance of coordinating activities with other agencies.

WET 156 (4 credits)
Drinking Water I

Drinking Water I provides students with an introduction to the equipment and processes used in the treatment of drinking water. The student will be introduced to different sources of water, reservoir management, and intake structures and will learn how to safely operate and maintain coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection processes. Topics such as the control of tastes and odors in drinking water, the Lead and Copper Rule, and solving arithmetic problems related to water treatment plant operations will also be covered. Students will be introduced to daily operating procedures, regulation of flows, chemical use and handling, records and reports, plant maintenance, safety and security, emergency conditions and procedures, handling complaints, and energy conservation.

WET 161 (4 credits)
Wastewater I

Wastewater I provides students with an introduction to the equipment and processes used in the treatment of wastewater. The student will be introduced to the different components of wastewater treatment facilities, including racks and screens, grit removal, sedimentation and floatation, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, activated sludge, wastewater stabilization ponds, and disinfection. Topics such as why we treat wastewater, the duties of a wastewater treatment plant operator, and NPDES permits will also be introduced.

WET 168 (3 credits)
Utility Management and Administration

The Utility Management & Administration course will cover the major areas of responsibility of a utility manager, including legal requirements of federal legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the importance of developing policies and procedures for dealing with harassment, grievances, and violence in the workplace. Students will also discuss the financial management of a utility, including assessing the financial strength and stability of the utility, budgeting, and funding capital improvements. The course will also introduce students to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regulations governing water and wastewater treatment facilities, as well as federal, state, and local environmental regulations that pertain to construction and operation of drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater facilities.

WET 203 (1 credit)
Stormwater Management
The stormwater management course equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to address the complexities of stormwater management in Pennsylvania, integrating regulatory compliance, Best Management Practices (BMPs), soil and plant considerations, structural and non-structural approaches, and practical construction and inspection practices of BMPs. Through a combination of theoretical learning and practical applications, students will emerge with a holistic understanding of sustainable stormwater management practices tailored to the local context.

WET 206 (5 credits)
Wastewater II

Building upon the topics covered in WET 161, the course covers conventional and modified activated sludge processes, processes used for the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen, coagulation and filtration, and membrane bioreactors. Students will perform laboratory procedures and chemistry, analysis and presentation of data, and records and report writing. Operators also learn to analyze and solve operational problems and to perform mathematical calculations relating to wastewater treatment process control. A laboratory component will allow students to gain hands on experience. Prerequisite: WET 161 & MATH 137

WET 211 (3 credits)
Print Reading/Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
This course introduces students to blueprint reading, geographical information systems (GIS), and the types of blueprints students may expect to encounter working in the water and wastewater industries. This includes land development prints and water and wastewater treatment facility prints. The GIS portion of the course introduces students to GIS mapping as it relates to municipal services.

WET 216 (3 credits)
Industrial Waste

Topics include the operation and maintenance of industrial wastewater treatment facilities, regulations governing industrial waste, types of industrial waste, operation and maintenance of flow measurement equipment, preliminary treatment processes, physical-chemical treatment processes, and physical treatment processes. Students are also introduced to the treatment of metal waste streams. Prerequisite: MATH 137

WET 256 (4 credits)
Drinking Water II

The Drinking Water Il course will introduce operators to the practical aspects of operating and maintaining water treatment plants. Topics covered will include drinking water regulations (including the safe drinking water act), iron and manganese control, fluoridation, softening, disinfection by-products, emerging contaminants, nitrate and arsenic removal, corrosion control, handling and disposal of process wastes, maintenance, instrumentation, and advanced laboratory procedures. A laboratory component will allow students to gain hands on experience. Prerequisite: WET 156

WET 261 (4 credits)
Advanced Wastewater and Solids Handling

Advanced Wastewater and Solids Handling builds upon the material covered in Wastewater I and Wastewater II. Students will discuss the equipment and advanced treatment processes used for odor control and residuals solids management. Solids stabilization methods such as anaerobic and aerobic digestion and chemical stabilization will be covered. Additional topics such as sludge types, characteristics, and calculating sludge quantities are covered. Sludge thickening using gravity thickeners, dissolved air flotation units, centrifuges; as well as sludge conditioning such as thermal, wet oxidation, and elutriation are explored. Dewatering with pressure filtration (plate and frame, belt, vacuum), centrifuges and drying beds; and volume reduction using composting, mechanical drying, and incineration will be covered. Disposal methods for dewatered or liquid stabilized sludge, as applicable regulations for beneficial use and land application of biosolids are additional topics. Wastewater reuse, recycling, and reclamation is also explored.

WET 268 (4 credits)
Equipment and Systems Operations and Management
The Equipment & Systems O&M course will provide students with an introduction to the operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Electrical and hydraulic concepts will be applied to water industry equipment. Typical maintenance procedures for pumps, blowers and compressors, valves, gauges and thermometers, and alarms will be covered. Motor control systems for pumps and blowers will be covered. Students will be introduced to maintenance programs and asset management. Topics such as preventive maintenance, emergency repairs, and scheduled repairs will be covered. Students will be given the opportunity learn maintenance procedures in a laboratory setting. This will include developing some basic mechanical, electrical, and plumbing skills.