General Education Requirements
General education courses are required for all majors at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. These courses support academic work within the major, enhance employment skills, and help prepare students for full, effective lives as citizens. Students are required to successfully complete a total of 25 general education credits for graduation. These courses include the liberal arts and science core and general education applied courses.
Business and Applied Arts Courses
Mr. Heriberto Arjona, Instructor
BUSN 106 Small Business Management (3 credits)
This course focuses on the world of small businesses, including how to become an entrepreneur, select business opportunities, and keep the business afloat.
ART 106 Intro to Digital Photography (3 credits)
An introduction to digital photography using digital single lens reflex cameras and basic image editing software. This course includes print production for making black-and-white and color photographs and studio techniques that include portrait lighting and still life photography. No prior photography experience is required. Students use digital photography for the production of a photographic portfolio.
FIN 102 Personal Finance (3 credits)
The course is primarily concerned with the management of money from the viewpoint of the individual. Topics to be covered include consumer’s credit, borrowing, saving and investments, purchase of insurance, real-estate and other major items, the problem of taxation and wills, and controlling expenditures through the use of a budget.
Computer Information Systems Courses
Tara Faro, Instructor
CIS 105 Drawing with AutoCAD® (3 credits)
Provides an introduction to the use of computer software used to draw. Students learn introductory AutoCAD® commands used to create basic geometric shapes and editing functions used to modify geometry. Measuring and distance specifications for objects are taught, along with text creation for use in notes and specifications. Students also learn to use image transfer software that converts pictures and images into line geometry. (NOTE: ARCH and MET students may not take this course without consent of their respective program faculty members.)
CIS 111 Introduction to Computer Applications (3 credits)
Introduction to applications for use in the professional and college environment. Students obtain skills in the latest business software. Activities consist of hands-on exercises using the operating system, word processing, spreadsheet, database management, and presentation programs.
CIS 211 Microsoft Excel (3 credits)
This is a comprehensive course in Excel®. It contains everything from basic introductory material to complex business formulas and mapping procedures. Students upon completion will be prepared to take the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) exam for Excel® certification. Prerequisite: CIS 111 or obtain the instructor’s permission with the exception of ECAD students who are not required to take CIS 111
English and Humanities Courses
Lisa Middendorf, Assistant Professor
Marla Bucy, Associate Professor
Patricia Meley, Instructor
Sarah D’Stair, Instructor
Melissa Weathers, Instructor
Laura Malone, Instructor
ENG 106 English Composition I (3 credits)
Develops fluency in writing. Creates interest in and respect for proper usage, sentence structure, and precise expression.
ENG 116 Short Story and Poetry (3 credits)
Analysis of a variety of short stories and poems with an emphasis on developing interpretive skills. Special attention is given to individual presentations and class discussions. technique, symbolism, irony, style, and social significance.
ENG 206 – Reading and Writing Creative Nonfiction (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to the genre of Creative Nonfiction and includes a variety of approaches to the genre, both in content and form. Specific content approaches include food writing, travel writing, sports writing, music writing, environmental/place writing, pop culture writing, and immersive journalism. Specific form approaches include vignette, freeform, podcast, blog form, among other non-traditional forms. Students are introduced to these approaches through various shared texts, and students practice these approaches through different writing activities and assignments.
ENG 216 Technical Report Writing (3 credits)
Presents technical subject matter with emphasis on intensive practice in the various methods of expository writing. Attention is given to various technical forms, including instruction, proposal, progress, and feasibility reports. Prerequisite: ENG 106 or instructor permission
ENG 222 African American Literature (3 credits)
Course includes a survey of African American literature from slave narratives to the pan-African experience of the 21st Century.
ENG 221 Public Speaking (3 credits)
The course includes modes of speech communication, such as demonstration, information, persuasion, and interview.
ENG 238 Film Appreciation (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the art and craft of film. Students will learn about important film genres and become fluent in basic elements of cinema such as narrative style, character development, cinematography, setting, editing, and sound. In addition to studying the technical language of film, students will learn to appreciate film as an art form that expresses a society’s values and conflicts. The course is designed to give students who enjoy film the tools to make substantive arguments about the movies they watch.
History Courses
Patricia Meley, Instructor
HIST 106 American History I (3 credits)
This course surveys American history from the colonial period to the Reconstruction period following the American Civil War. Students gain an understanding of the major events that have shaped American history, learn how American cultural values and character have developed as a result of these events, understand how myths and stereotypes about American history affect our perception of the past and present, and analyze and understand how economics, politics, society, religion, and geography are interrelated and impact history.
HIST 111 American History II (3 credits)
This course surveys American history from the Reconstruction period following the American Civil War to the Vietnam War. Students gain an understanding of the major events that have shaped American history, learn how American cultural values and character have developed as a result of these events, understand how myths and stereotypes about American history affect our perception of the past and present; and analyze and understand how economics, politics, society, religion, and geography are interrelated and impact on history.
Health Courses
HEAL 106 Fitness and Wellness (1 credit)
It offers information that enables students to take control of their personal health and lifestyle habits and make a continuous, deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve well-being. Students learn to develop personal lifetime programs that promote fitness, preventative health care, and personal wellness.
HEAL 111 Basic First Aid (1 credit)
It provides individuals in the workplace with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first-aid care for injuries and sudden illnesses until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over.
Mathematics Courses
In programs that require 2 math classes, students may take a higher-level math class and a general ed class to make up for the requirement if they are placed into said math level.
MATH 111 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
Mathematics skills necessary to do calculations and procedures to operate a successful office or small business. Percentage and simple interest, credit, business ownership, compound interest, payroll and taxes, insurance, mortgages, and homeownership are covered. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on the math placement test OR DMAT 030
MATH 126 Technical Mathematics I (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to the mathematics required of students in technical programs. Designed for students whose academic background does not emphasize algebra or geometry. Includes a review of arithmetic, signed numbers, basic algebra, plane geometry, and other topics. Emphasis is on problem-solving. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on the math placement test OR DMAT 030 Introduction to Algebra
MATH 132 Elementary Geometry (3 credits)
This course is designed for students who did not have geometry in high school. It covers plane geometry topics, which include basic concepts, parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Theorems and postulates are included, but the emphasis is on measurement and constructions. This course is intended to substitute for Technical Mathematics II for those students who are not required to take Principles of Physics. It covers the practical geometry that is used in construction majors. Prerequisites: MATH 126 or MATH 137
MATH 136 Technical Mathematics II (3 credits)
This course covers solving linear and quadratic equations, functions, graphing linear quadratic equations, polynomials, solving trigonometric ratios, solving right triangles, and interpreting basic statistics. Prerequisites: MATH 126 or MATH 137
MATH 137 Intermediate Algebra (3 credits)
This course reviews the structure and use of algebra through a combination of topics including polynomials, first-degree equations, quadratic equations, exponents, radicals, and systems of linear equations. Graphing first and second-degree equations is emphasized. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on the math placement test or DMAT 030 Introduction to Algebra with C or higher
MATH 141 Trigonometry (3 credits)
This course shows how mathematics can be applied in a physical setting. The theoretical foundations will be established and explored, but emphasis will be placed on practical applications. Highlighted are the trigonometric functions used to solve right triangles, oblique triangles using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, and the graphs of the trigonometric functions. Prerequisites: MATH 137
MATH 150 Elementary Statistics (3 credits)
This course covers measures of central tendency and variability; probability and normal curve; and sampling and hypothesis testing. Students need to possess the mathematical skills necessary to do calculations and derivation of basic formulas.
MATH 207 Pre-Calculus (4 credits)
Designed to prepare students for continuation into MATH 213: Calculus. Develops the concepts and proficiencies necessary to work successfully in the areas of elementary functions, theory of equations, inequalities, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on the math placement test or Math 141
MATH 213 Calculus (4 credits)
This course introduces the concepts and techniques of calculus, beginning with functions and limits. Major emphasis is on the theory and applications of the derivative, antiderivative, indefinite integral, and definite integral, including introductory calculus of trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on the math placement test or MATH 141 or MATH207 and instructor permission.
Science Courses
David W. Manning, Associate Professor
Patricia A. McKinney, PhD, Assistant Professor
BIO 210 General Biology I (4 credits)
This course explores the processes fundamental to life. Laboratory activities reinforce classroom theoretical content. Topics covered include biochemical principles, cell structure and function, intracellular and intercellular transport, and communication, metabolic pathways including cellular respiration and photosynthesis, cell reproduction, Mendelian genetics, inheritance patterns and laws, DNA replication and repair, RNA transcription and processing, protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression, biotechnology and key structural and reproductive characteristics of viruses, bacteria, and protists. Prerequisites: High school biology and chemistry are strongly recommended. Students must be matriculated in an approved TSCT program of study or obtain instructor permission.
CHEM 100 Conceptual Chemistry (3 credits)
This course explores inorganic chemistry principles at the conceptual level. Intermittent in-class laboratory activities reinforce theoretical content. Special emphasis is placed on relating chemical principles to industry, the environment, and everyday events. Topics covered include the atomic structure and classification of matter, the periodicity of elements and their properties, intramolecular and intermolecular bonding, chemical reactions including oxidation-reduction reactions, thermochemistry, solutions, acids/bases, water chemistry, gases, and nuclear chemistry.
CHEM 110 General Chemistry I (4 credits)
This course explores the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry. Laboratory activities reinforce classroom theoretical content. Topics covered include the physical states and properties of matter, scientific measurement, problem-solving, periodicity of elements, atomic structure, early and modern atomic theory, electron configuration, nomenclature, chemical composition, chemical equations and stoichiometry, chemical reactions, thermochemistry, chemical bonding and molecular geometry, gas laws, and solutions. Prerequisites: MATH 137 with a minimum grade of “C” or instructor permission
PHYS 101 How Things Work (3 credits)
This is an introductory physics course that focuses on the ideas, concepts, and engineering behind everyday objects. It examines the history of these objects and their relationships to physical laws. Enrolled students create simple projects to demonstrate their understanding. Only basic mathematical skills are required.
PHYS 106 Physics for Everyday Life (3 credits)
Brief overview of physics. Includes motion, work, power, energy, and properties of matter, sound, and light. Electrodynamics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics are also discussed. Basic mathematical and algebra skills utilized.
PHYS 113 Statics (3 credits)
An elementary, analytical, and practical approach to the principles and physical concepts of statics. Topics include force systems, principles of equilibrium, structural analysis of trusses and frames, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. Prerequisites: MATH 137 and MATH 141 or instructor permission.
PHYS 213 General Physics I (4 credits)
This course is a four-credit, algebra-based physics course in which one of the credits is devoted toward lab work. The course is an in-depth study of statics, kinematics, dynamics, work, power, energy, and the properties of matter. Prerequisites: MATH 137 and MATH 141 or instructor permission.
SCI 110 Introduction to Astronomy (3 credits)
Beginning with an understanding of what astronomy studies, the bulk of the course is organized into three main categories: 1) investigating planets in and out of our solar system 2) the life and death of stars and 3) galaxies and black holes/quasars. Students will also learn a few constellations and study the life of the universe and the Big Bang Theory.
SCI 107 Environmental Science (3 credits)
This course is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of environmental issues and the integral role humans play in shaping our natural surroundings. Topics covered include energy flow, biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems, environmental law, terrestrial biomes and aquatic
ecosystems, population dynamics, renewable and nonrenewable resources, fossil fuels and alternative energy sources, water resources and pollution, air pollution, ozone depletion, climate change, waste disposal, land and food resources, conservation, and sustainable living. Prerequisite: ENG 106 or permission of the instructor
Social Sciences Courses
Heriberto Arjona, Assistant Professor
Vincent E. Miles, PhD., Professor
ECON 240 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
This course covers ideas, models, and concepts to give students a better understanding of our nation’s and global economies. We will use references from real-world corporations, government policies, and current events, and explore how events and policies change the market equilibrium. Students will analyze macroeconomic data using equations and conceptual graphs.
ECON 230 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
This course introduces students to foundational principles of microeconomic theory, with an emphasis on economic decisions made at the individual or firm level. It describes and analyzes the interaction of supply and demand and the behavior of the prices of goods and services. It explains the determinations of costs, output, strategic pricing, and purchasing decisions under various market structures in a global economy. In addition, it describes the supply and demand for factors of production with an emphasis on graphical formatting.
PSY 116 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
Students learn the major specialties of the field and the assumptions upon which they are based. Techniques used by psychologists are discussed.
SOC 106 Principles of Sociology (3 credits)
This course provides a systematic interpretation of major elements of sociology, including social dynamics, deviant behavior, social and cultural change, and developing major social trends.
SOC 121 Critical Thinking (3 credits)
This course provides an introduction to critical reading, writing, and thinking. Encourages students to pose questions at appropriate times and to have a generally critical attitude toward advertising and other aspects of popular culture.
SOC 206 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (3 credits)
Deviant social behavior is discussed. Topics include the development of deviant personalities, deviant careers, and conflicts between the deviant and the normative social world. Social techniques and patterns used to resolve such conflicts are also covered.
SOC 216 Multiculturalism (3 credits)
An introduction to general issues regarding cultural diversity. A focus on complex and diverse group activities in the contemporary workplace, with an emphasis on coping skills with people from different ethnic, gender, religious, and professional backgrounds, and perspectives.
SOC 221 Marriage and the Family (3 credits)
Contemporary American marriage and family patterns are discussed. Topics include historical and cross-cultural perspectives, current trends toward urbanization and changing value systems, and cultural, psychological, and social factors involved in the changing American family
Special Courses
TECH 100–105 Special Topics (1–5 credits)
Special topics are selected. The instructor determines the topic to be studied, and the vice president for academic affairs approves it. Credits earned are applicable either as free electives in the program or as credits used for graduation (with the approval of the vice president for academic affairs).
TECH 100, 199, 200, or 299 Internships (1–8 credits)
Representing a possibility of four semesters, internships are designed to provide credit for supervised on-the-job work experience directly related to a student’s major. Credit varies based on the total hours worked. The credit-to-work hour ratio is 1 credit = 50 work hours. These courses include employer supervision and evaluation.