Orientation Details
What Does Orientation Involve?
At Thaddeus Stevens College, our orientation for incoming students is a two-part event! We ask that each incoming student be on-campus for a full day event in June before the start of the school year, and then also arrive on a pre-set timeline for additional orientation in August before classes start. Both orientations apply to anyone attending Thaddeus Stevens College (i.e. they are not only for residents who will be living on campus).
Part 1
Accepted Student Days
In June each year, students are assigned a specific date to attend an Accepted Student Day on campus. This attendance is required. During an Accepted Student Day, those attending will learn:
- Who are those leading student areas they will need to know? These include the Vice President for Student Services, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Success, Residence Life Director, Director of Financial Aid, and others. You will hear from President Pedro A. Rivera II, Ed.D. as part of this event.
- Students will be able to meet with our Financial Aid staff, understand what might need to still be completed, and ensure they have taken all the appropriate steps to set up their finances.
- You’ll be able to get to know other students, particularly those who will have the same major as you. Thaddeus Stevens College has a ‘cohort’ model, which means that you will have daily lab classes with the same group of students throughout your time here.
- Check in with College staff to ensure you have all documentation completed and have provided all information so you are well on your way to starting the fall semester off well!
- Students will build an understanding and awareness of the College’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging as part of our thriving College community.
- Students are encouraged to connect with their assigned Academic Coach during Accepted Student Days. Coaches are an important part of student success here, and beginning to communicate and build a relationship will help students build momentum for the year.
- Certain majors we offer require specific math courses – some students will have the option to test out of that class if they so choose. This testing can occur during Accepted Student Days.
- For parents, family members, and caregivers who may come attend an Accepted Student Day, they will have a chance to listen and participate in a robust Q&A session with many College leaders, to help everyone understand and align on expectations and next steps.
- Family members and caregivers on campus for the day may attend an optional campus tour if they would like.

Part 2
Orientation Days before the start of the Fall semester
Before the start of fall classes, new students will need to arrive in advance of a specified start of orientation date, usually in mid-August. Usually there are two days of orientation during this time, wherein students are given a more hands-on connections to what their day-to-day will look like.
During these days, new students will:
- Touch base with a variety of on-campus supports available to them, including IT, student services, the health center, mental health counseling, academic coaches, accessibility support, residence life, the business office, financial aid, career services, and the registrar.
- Learn where each resource is located to support students throughout the school year.
- Submit information for parking permits and learn which lots are available for use.
- Complete health forms required for attendance.
- Complete training on discrimination and awareness, required for all those attending.
- Get to know other students who are also new to the school.
- Connect with student clubs during the College’s kickoff event with food, games, and fun.
- Understand how to get a job as a student worker on campus.
- If a student will be living in a residence hall during the school year, move-in days are part of orientation as well.

For a student to understand the ins and outs of what they may need to know during their time here at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, orientation is an essential part to prepare!
For questions about our orientation, please contact orientation@stevenscollege.edu.
Campus Map
Thaddeus Stevens College includes five locations. You can view details of exactly what is in each building on our campus details page.
- Main Campus, housing administrative offices, general education classrooms, library, dining hall, gym, college store, residence halls, and trade programs.
- Greiner Advanced Manufacturing Center, hosting multiple trade programs as well as classroom and meeting space.
- Griscom Education Center, which includes a café, residence life hallways, several technical and trade programs, recreation and study rooms, a small college store, and our main security office.
- Thaddeus Stevens College at Greenfield, with multiple trade labs and classrooms.
- Transportation Center, where our transportation-focused trade programs are housed.