Financial Aid
Financial Aid
The process of applying for financial aid – reviewing paperwork, obtaining up-to-date and accurate information, and much more – can be intimidating.
We’re here to help!
Each year, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology’s Office of Financial Aid assists more than 90 percent of students with financial aid. Financial aid is a combination of three key sources of funding: grants, scholarships, and loans. We created this webpage to help you learn more about financial aid.

Tuition and Fees
How much does it cost to attend Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology? Visit our Tuition and Fees webpage for the answer.

Apply for Financial Aid
Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial aid, including the Federal Direct Loan. The recommended deadline to complete the FAFSA is April 1, and the date to complete the FAFSA to be considered for PA State Grant eligibility is May 1. Access more information on applying for financial aid.

Financial Aid FAQs
Explore our FAQs page to learn how much financial aid you may be eligible for, how your family members’ or caregivers’ information (if applicable) affects it, how your academics can influence financial aid, and more.

Grants and Scholarships
Students interested in attending Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology have several options to receive grants and scholarships. These can include federal grants, such as the Pell Grant and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Pennsylvania State Grants and Special Programs, the College’s Stevens Grant, and the College’s Foundation Scholarships. Explore our grant and scholarship opportunities here.

Types of Federal loans, private or alternative loans, repayment preparations, and tips for repaying your loans: Our loans page has all this information and more.
Net Cost of Attendance
A simple comparison of tuition + meals + housing + activity fee less average financial aid. You can see it laid out in table form here.

Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is a cost calculator that helps those considering attendance understand how the cost of attendance and grants/scholarships interact in a hypothetical past example. The example includes tuition, fees, books, tools, housing and meals, and other related expenses.

Your Financial Aid Status
Visit our College Portal to access information on your current financial aid status. Log in and select “Self-Service Portal” and then “Financial Aid.” From the Financial Aid webpage, you will be able to access your financial aid awards as well as check for any missing information/documents the Office of Financial Aid may need. All outstanding items will be listed as Action Needed.
Submit missing information/documents to the Office of Financial Aid through the College Portal. You must be logged in to submit documents through the portal.
Maintaining Eligibility for Financial Aid
Students attending Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology who wish to receive financial aid, in addition to meeting other eligibility criteria, must be in good academic standing and making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) in their degree or certificate program.
Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Financial Aid Eligibility Policy
This policy is cumulative and includes all students and all periods of enrollment, whether or not aid was received for that period. SAP will be reviewed at the end of each term or semester once grades are posted. If a grade change should occur after this process, the student’s progress will be reevaluated. Students who fail to make progress will first be placed on a Financial Aid Warning for SAP.
Students who fail to make progress on a semester they are on warning will become ineligible for financial aid until they have met the SAP requirements. Future financial aid disbursements will be on hold until SAP requirements are satisfied. Students may appeal being ineligible for failure to meet SAP requirements. If an appeal is granted, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for SAP. Any student who fails to meet the requirements of SAP while on probation will become ineligible for financial aid until they have met all SAP requirements. This cannot be appealed.
A. Quality of Progress – “Good Academic Standing”
- Students requesting aid must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. This requirement includes pre-major coursework. If a student falls below the minimum cumulative GPA, they will be placed on financial aid warning for the following semester in which they must bring up their cumulative GPA to the required 2.0
- If a student fails to meet the requirements during the warning period, they will lose their financial aid until they have met the cumulative 2.0 GPA requirement. Loss of financial aid includes Title IV funding and institutional funding.
B. Quantity of Progress – “Pace of Unit Completion”
TSCT students must complete at least two-thirds (67%) of all units in which they originally enrolled from the time of first attendance in their program. Thus, a first-term TSCT student who originally enrolls in 9 units, withdraws from 3 units, and successfully completes the remaining 6 units, would be meeting the quantitative measure requirement since the student did pass at least two-thirds (67%) of the units in which he or she originally enrolled.
Students requesting aid must make progress toward a degree as follows:
Full-time: 12 units per term and/or 24 units per year (complete average of 8 per term)
Three Quarters-time: 9 units per term and/or 18 units per year (complete average of 6 per term)
Half-time: 6 units per term and/or 12 units per year (complete average of 4 per term)
- The following grades are considered to demonstrate satisfactory course completion: A, B, C, D, T, and P. These grades do not demonstrate successful course completion: F, I, W, WF, and WP.
- Incomplete grades will not count toward your completion rate (pace) in the term in which they are received but will be evaluated once successful completion of the course. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid to notify them of the grade change.
- Transfer credits will be counted as successful completion in the pace calculation but will not count in the GPA calculation.
- Repeat courses will count as attempted each time they are part of an enrollment. They will count as completed the first time a satisfactory grade is earned for that course.
- If students fail to meet the requirements during the warning period, they will lose their financial aid until they have met the requirements. Loss of financial aid includes Title IV funding and institutional funding.
- If a student falls below the cumulative minimum 67%, they will be placed on financial aid warning, such students will be given the following term (semester) in which to raise their cumulative completion rate above the required 67%.
C. Quantity of Progress – “Maximum Time Frame”
Students must finish their academic program within 150% of the published length of the program. At the point in which the school determines that a student cannot complete their program within the 150% timeframe, their aid will be suspended, and the student will be given the opportunity to appeal. For example, a student in a 61 credit hour Associates program full-time, should be able to earn the degree in three years taking no more than 92 credits.
All college level credits will be included in the 150% calculation regardless if a change of major occurred or a second degree is being pursued.
D. Appeals
All students have the right to appeal. Appeal forms are sent to students along with the notification of suspension. Forms should be submitted with a letter and all supporting documentation to the Office of Financial Aid. The SAP Committee will review cases on an individual basis to determine if extenuating circumstances are responsible for poor progress. Extenuating circumstances may include but are not limited to:
- Illness or injury of the student
- Death of a close family member
All circumstances must be documented. Students will be informed in writing of the appeal outcome. If a maximum timeframe appeal is granted, students will be given an academic plan. The academic plan will outline what the student must do to maintain SAP eligible. Failure to adhere to the academic plan will result in the student becoming ineligible for financial aid in future semesters until SAP is met. In the case of an approval, students must have a semester GPA of 2.0 and not receive any W, F, I, WF, or WP grades. Failure to adhere to the 2.0 GPA requirement will result in denial of all future financial aid.
Student Emergency Assistance Fund
The Student Emergency Assistance Fund is a partnership between the Office of the President and the Offices of Advancement, Student Success, Student Services, and Academic Affairs. Through generous donors and the commitment of the College, funds are provided to support students who experience a financial hardship due to an emergency or unanticipated event. These funds are not intended for reoccurring costs that a student may have.
Access more information on the Student Emergency Assistance Fund and the application.
Student Lending Code of Conduct
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is committed to providing students and their families with the best information and processing alternatives available regarding student borrowing. In support of this and in an effort to rule out any perceived or actual conflict of interest between Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology officers, employees or agents, and education loan lenders, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology has adopted the following:
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does not participate in any revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does not permit any officer, employee or agent of the school who is employed in the financial aid office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept any gifts of greater than a nominal value from any lender, guarantor or servicer.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does not permit any officer, employee or agent of the school who is employed in the financial aid office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept any fee, payment or other financial benefit (including a stock purchase option) from a lender or affiliate of a lender as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does not permit any officer, employee or agent of the school who is employed in the financial aid office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept anything of value from a lender, guarantor, or group of lenders and/or guarantors in exchange for service on an advisory board, commission or other group established by such a lender, guarantor group of lenders and/or guarantors. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does allow for the reasonable reimbursement of expenses associated with participation in such boards, commissions or groups by lenders, guarantors, or groups of lenders and/or guarantors.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology does not assign a lender to any first-time borrower through financial aid packaging or any other means.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology recognizes that a borrower has the right to choose any lender from which to borrow to finance his/her education. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology will not refuse to certify or otherwise deny or delay certification of a loan based on the borrower’s selection of a lender and/or guarantor.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology will not request or accept any offer of funds to be used for private education loans to students from any lender in exchange for providing the lender with a specified number or volume of Title IV loans, or a preferred lender arrangement for Title IV loans.
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology will not request or accept any assistance with call center or financial aid office staffing.
We’re here to help
Contact Us
Hartzell Building, Room 105 750 East King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Financial Aid Staff
Emily Smoker, Director of Financial Aid
Marjorie Hohrath, Assistant Director of Financial Aid