Summer 2022 Internship Experiences


Our students have been busy this summer applying what they’ve learned at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology so far and gaining real world experience through internships in a variety of industries.

We recently caught up with a few students and asked them to tell us about their internships – their feedback will be added over the next few weeks right here. Select a name below to learn more about the student and their summer internship:

Abigail | Alex | Alexander | Brianna | Colin | Ethan | Hilarie | Isaiah | Jacob | Jeremiah | Joe | Kenneth | Lilian | Michel | Nathan | Owen | Pagiel | Rebecca | Travis | Zachary | Zane

Abigail, Water & Environmental Technology program major

Meet Abigail!

We recently caught up with Abigail, a Water & Environmental Technology (WET) major here at TSCT, to learn more about her internship this summer with the City of Lancaster!

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this opportunity through the WET program and my professor, Mrs. Butler, who mentioned an internship that a few second-year students were able to do.

What are you doing in your internship?
A few things that I have been working on is how to operate a SCADA system that runs the entire water/wastewater plant. I have also been learning about a bunch of the different tests that have to be done in order to help maintain permit requirements before any water can be discharged back into the environment.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
An interesting thing that I have learned so far is that even a tiny bit of rain can have a major impact on how every individual plant operates. For example, one day I was at a wastewater plant and we had a tiny rain event – we may have had only an inch of rain, but one of the pump stations that sends water for them to treat had to go into overdrive to handle the flow that was passing through it. In addition, a tiny amount of rain can throw off all of your test results because of the increase of flow, and, it can change the amount of chemical that you need to treat the water in order to keep it within your permit requirements.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I would highly recommend completing any internship because even if you’re not sure if what you’re doing is where you want to be working, an internship gives you hands-on experience in your field and then you can literally get your feet wet (pun intended) and see if this really is where you want to end up. It’s also a good way to find places for future employment because you’ll be able to meet employers that might be looking to hire someone new and has a background in that particular field

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan on becoming a wastewater operator or water operator (I’m still undecided on which one I want to do at this point).

Alex, Graphic Communications & Printing Technology program major

Meet Alex!

We recently caught up with Alex, a Graphic Communications & Printing Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer within our Communications & Marketing Office!

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this opportunity through the second-year teacher, Mr. Brady. He explained the internship would consist of designing and printing projects for the school, events, and third party companies – it sounded like the perfect opportunity to see and experience what’s next after college for me.

What are you doing in your internship?
The majority of what I do is design advertisements and graphics for social media, electronic signs, and monitors across TSCT’s locations. I also design and print items for the school, from business cards to event programs to shirts and more.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
I’ve enjoyed all the work I’ve done so far, but the most exciting thing has to be my most recent project, which was designing shirts and merchandise for all first-year students.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I would 100% recommend completing an internship to other students. I’ve enjoyed my time interning and doing what I love, and it has been a great example of what I can expect when joining the workforce.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan to continue doing design and print work for a design firm/print company, and maybe even start my own freelance business.

Alexander, Diesel Technology program major

Meet Alexander!

We recently caught up with Alexander, a Diesel Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with Executive Coach. Here’s what he told us: 

How did you find out about this internship?
My first-year instructor, Mr. Herr, was the Maintenance Supervisor at Executive Coach for many years. He shared his experiences working on motor coaches, and it intrigued me to the point of applying for a position there.

What are you doing in your internship?
I was given much more responsibility than I planned on undertaking when I originally accepted this internship – I’ve been maintaining the fleet, scheduling work that needs to be done, making phone calls, and much more. This has been an eye-opening experience for me, and I’ve enjoyed the challenge of keeping a fleet of coaches on the road and safe to operate.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship? 
I’ve greatly increased my confidence in myself and my abilities.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important? 
Absolutely yes. My advice is to get into a shop, no matter how big or small it is, even before summer rolls around. You learn a lot in class, but nothing compares to working in the field.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan to stay at Executive Coach for the foreseeable future. I feel a great sense of pride working there, and I don’t plan on that changing.

Brianna, Metals Fabrication & Welding Technology program major

Meet Brianna!

We recently caught up with Brianna, a Metals Fabrication & Welding Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about her internship this summer with Brandywine Valley Heating & Air Conditioning (HVAC). Here’s what she told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this opportunity from my friend who currently works Brandywine Valley HVAC – they graduated from TSCT in 2021.

What are you doing in your internship?
I work on the air ducts and all the duct fittings that are installed in homes or businesses when replacing HVAC units.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
I get to visit some of the job sites and see what the installation team is working on.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I highly recommend an internship to all first-year students because it gives you a real feel of the job you could possibly be doing as a career, and it’s a good place to start. It also looks good on a resume!

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan to work for a local welding union.

Colin, Welding Technology program major

Meet Colin!

We recently caught up with Colin, a Welding Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with KG Customs LLC!

How did you find out about this internship?
I went around to various welding shops to see what their internship availability and interest was.

What are you doing in your internship?
Stainless steel welding Tig & Mig, removing and replacing a tow truck flatbed, repairing cracks in excavator buckets, and MIG welding aluminum body panels on a grain truck.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
An interesting thing that I have learned so far is how to bend 1/4-inch mild steel into a channel, which was then used to support truck boxes.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
If this style shop has availability for future students, I would highly encourage them to reach out. This is not a shop that works on just one welding process or one type of metal. The work that is produced will test every skillset Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology has covered and more.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I will return to working for my current employer, the US Coast Guard.

Ethan, Electronic Engineering Technology program major

Meet Ethan!

We recently caught up with Ethan, an Electronic Engineering Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer at the Peach Bottom Atomic Generating Station (owned by Constellation Energy). Here’s what he told us:

How did you find out about this internship? 
I learned about this internship through my professors, as they had announced that a representative of the I&C department would be stopping by our lab to meet and talk to us. A few weeks before my professors announced this, I had been doing my own research on Constellation Energy and the Peach Bottom Atomic Generating Station, and was considering applying there when I graduated!

What are you doing in your internship? 
I have shadowed a lot of jobs, some of the most common being instrument calibration, instrument testing, and replacing old/malfunctioning equipment. I have also had the opportunity to work with another Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology intern on disassembling, troubleshooting, and fixing some older pieces of equipment so that technicians could utilize them in the future.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?  
It’s all interesting! Everything we do on any given day is interesting in its own way – I’m constantly learning something new and expanding my horizons. If I had to choose one thing, it’s what I stated previously – being able to take apart older equipment, troubleshoot it, do research, figure out how it works, and fix it. I love working on something, getting into it, and finding out how it works.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?  
I would 100% recommend other students find an internship. It’s a great opportunity to learn something new and increase your own understanding of how your major is applicable in the real world. Internships are a great way to grow and learn, a great resume builder, and they create new and exciting opportunities.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT? 
If everything goes according to plan, I’m hoping to be able to work here at the Peach Bottom Atomic Generating Station after I graduate (fingers crossed)!

Hilarie, Water & Environmental Technology program major

Meet Hilarie! We recently connected with Hilarie, a Water & Environmental Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about her internship this summer with the City of Lancaster. Here’s what she told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
From my Water & Environmental Technology professors, and the Career Services Office.

What are you doing in your internship?
Each week I’m learning something different, which makes it exciting – from operations, to the laboratory, to sample collecting, to the meter shop, to working in the centrifuge building, and even maintenance. I get to see, work with, and experience the whole distribution system.

So far, I’ve operated a mechanical centrifuge for dewatering sludge; performed maintenance and preventative maintenance, which included cleaning and repairing equipment; and performed laboratory testing for accurate readings for turbidity, as well as chlorine residuals and other required testings; entered data for record keeping. I’ve worn personal protective equipment, as required.

What’s something unique that you’ve experienced during this internship?
I’ve met a bunch of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology alumni, from the Class of 1980 and on, and they all speak so highly of the college, the opportunities, etc.

The people I’ve met with the City of Lancaster show so much love and passion for what they do – some have spent more than 30 years working in the water industry.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students?
Yes! It’s a perfect opportunity to get your foot in the door with a potential/future employer. As an intern, you’ll gain experience needed in the career/field of study you’re pursuing. Plus, nothing compares to living the actual experience – you’ll experience what is expected in the workforce, and learn if it is something you actually want to do before you graduate. You might like everything about your experience, and you may find there are things you didn’t like – knowing this beforehand is very helpful. 

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan on working in my field of study right after graduation.

Isaiah, Computer Software Engineering Technology program major

Meet Isaiah!

We recently caught up with Isaiah, a Computer Software Engineering Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship at Lancaster General Health at Penn Medicine. Here’s what he told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this opportunity from a family member who works there and recommended I apply.

What are you doing in your internship?
I work on building and distributing “work from home” devices, as well as assisting in the installation/replacement of computers, printers, etc.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
I’ve learned a lot about computer hardware, as well as managing different databases.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
Yes, I recommend doing an internship because it is a great way to get low-pressure experience in a field.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan to work as a software engineer.

Jacob, Electro-Mechanical Technology program major

Meet Jacob!

We recently caught up with Jacob, an Electro-Mechanical Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with Sechan Electronics!

How did you find out about this internship?
I found this position just by browsing popular job search applications, like Indeed and Glassdoor.

What are you doing in your internship?
My internship has me doing a lot of different tasks, but it’s all in the name of supporting production. I create work instructions, verify and test equipment and parts, do 3D printing and CAD design, and work extensively with Excel and IFS Business Systems. Every day depends on the task at hand, and no day is usually the same.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
I learned a lot while working at Sechan Electronics, and while a lot of that information is directly connected to Sechan, I feel it is applicable in almost every company environment. Learning how to communicate effectively with people, getting tasks done at a deadline, drawing and designing components, and refurbishing a wire assembly are just a few of the things I’ve learned and skills I’ve improved upon while working here.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I definitely recommend every student complete an internship. Whether it’s something you plan on making a career out of or not, the experience you gain is advantageous. My belief is that before committing to a career path, you should have a basic understanding of what your job may entail. Getting an internship provides a clear window into that world and can help you decide if it is truly for you or not. Plus, it looks good on your resume. 

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
After graduation I want to finish my degree, maybe at Penn State University, but I have not fully settled on what I’m going to do at this point.

Jeremiah, Computer Software Engineering Technology program major

Meet Jeremiah!

We recently caught up with Jeremiah, a Computer Software Engineering Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with Cargas Systems. Here’s what he told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I found out about Cargas and the internship opportunity through TSCT’s Career Fair – I was able to meet and talk to two people from Cargas while there.

What are you doing in your internship?
Every day I work on help tickets submitted by our Energy customers – they use our software to run their gas/propane companies. I will read their ticket, then start to troubleshoot and read through the code that could be affecting the problem they are having. Sometimes, I have to apply bug fixes or change, delete, or update data in the database.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship? 
I really enjoy using my SQL skills! SQL is a database language that we use to query the database and sort through the information. I learned it while in school and using it in the real world on real customers is a unique challenge that is improving my SQL knowledge.

Another thing about Cargas is the environment and work climate is excellent. Everyone is a joy to work with and they truly understand maintaining a good work-life balance. They have options to work remotely and hours are very flexible.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important? 
I would absolutely recommend completing an internship, especially at Cargas.   

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT? 
After I finish this upcoming year at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, I am hoping to work full-time at Cargas. If that is not possible, I will look for another software development job either locally or virtually.

Joe, Electrical Technology program major

Meet Joe!

We recently caught up with Joe, an Electrical Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with GlaxoSmithKline in Marietta. Here’s what he told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this internship through the First Year Career Fair. With help from TSCT, I was able to participate on a plant site tour for a better understanding of my work environment and responsibilities. 

What are you doing in your internship?
I’m an Electro-Mechanical Technician (EMT), and am helping primarily with various Primitive Maintenance (PM). These help EMT’s ensure the machines are operating efficiently. We inspect inside the machines and clean or replace worn components as we see fit. This greatly helps me better understand how different machines on the production line operate. 

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship? 
How to troubleshoot mechanically. Mechanically troubleshooting is about understanding the machine, how it operates, and what small adjustments can be made before switching components for minimal downtime. This exposure aided me in becoming more efficient with my work. 

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important? 
Yes, I completely recommend completing an internship! Seeing everything you studied over the last year operating in the real-world challenges you to think outside the box, while humbling you at the same time. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new while honing your skill set.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT? 
I do not have a concrete plan as of now, but I know that is perfectly fine. TSCT does a lot of work to support their students and provides lots of resources to help you find a job and start your career. My current plan is to go to the Second Year Career Fair open-minded, as well as do research to find the employer that’s right for me. 

Kenneth, Welding Technology program major

Meet Kenneth!

We recently caught up with Kenneth, a Welding Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with Hillside Custom Machining. Here’s what he told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this internship opportunity from my instructor last year, Andrea Biesecker. Her father worked at Hillside for years, and she said it’s an excellent place to work. 

What are you doing in your internship?
I mostly fabricate and weld different components for the products my company sells. We primarily produce machines for the food service and pharmaceutical industries. It varies, however, as I have also brazed components together for oil applications, and assisted in the construction of a very large mezzanine for a company that produces concrete powder.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship? 
I’ve learned a great deal more about different aspects of fabrication and welding, such as working with different thicknesses and types of materials. I’ve also been able to learn how to braze and solder using an oxy-acetylene torch, which is both extremely useful and fun! 

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important? 
I would 100% recommend every student complete an internship in their field of study. This experience has been great, and has created opportunities for me to interact with and learn from many people who have been employed in welding and fabrication for 30 or 40 years.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT? 
I plan on working for the aerospace industry, on either air or spacecraft. Working in a NASA fabrication center is my ultimate goal, specifically their facility at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. 

Lilian, Cabinetmaking & Wood Technology program major

Meet Lilian!

We recently caught up with Lilian, a Cabinetmaking & Wood Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about her internship this summer with Premier Custom Built. Here’s what she told us:

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about his opportunity by going to the career fair this past spring here at TSCT.

What are you doing in your internship?
So far, I’ve worked in five departments, ranging from veneering to hardware. I enjoy that I get to move around to each department, because I get to experience all the different pieces and components of how the cabinet shop works and I get figure out which aspects I am good at while learning many new things.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
Every day I learn something new, and I can see my improvement over time. However, nothing comes close to the family atmosphere with my coworkers – I work with a great group of people.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I believe internships are important not only because it gives you real world experience, but it also gives you an opportunity to learn more about yourself, such as your likes and dislikes of the industry. Sometimes the thing you imagine yourself doing isn’t how you imagined it.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I hope to use the opportunities from my internship to get a job right away.

Michel, Mechanical Engineering Technology program major

Meet Michel!

We recently caught up with Michel, a Mechanical Engineering Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with TAIT Towers!

How did you find out about this internship?
I took a tour back in 2020 and the place is located down the road from me.

What are you doing in your internship?
During my internship, I’ve assembled the decks needed for stages. This includes stuffing the decks with the proper wood, assembling the required hardware, and doing the necessary mods to make it work.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
To improve the skills I’ve gained from college, I’ve taken it upon myself to understand how to read blueprints better and understand the errors in them to make the product as accurate as possible.

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I would recommend students partake in an internship due to the opportunities the company may have to offer. For TAIT towers, there are many different departments to choose from.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I’ve enjoyed working at TAIT Towers so much that I’d like to continue working there after the internship ends, and would like to come back after I graduate from TSCT.

Nathan, Plumbing Technology program major

Meet Nathan!

We recently caught up with Nathan, a Plumbing Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with the Plumstead Township Water Department!

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this opportunity via my high school, the Upper Bucks Technical School.

What are you doing in your internship?
I’m doing meter installs and upgrades in this internship.

What’s something exciting that you’ve experienced during your internship?
I’ve learned about how to install a curb stop. 

Would you recommend completing an internship to other students/why do you think internships are important?
I do recommend students participate in an internship – it’s important because it will help build up experience and looks really good on a resume.

What do you plan to do when you graduate from TSCT?
I plan on doing another internship with another company to build up hours towards my journeyman’s.

Owen, Residential Remodeling program major

Meet Owen!

We recently caught up with Owen, a Residential Remodeling Technology major here at TSCT, to learn more about his internship this summer with Garnet Mine Construction, Inc.!

How did you find out about this internship?
I heard about this internship through my best friend, who has been with the company for years.

What are you doing in your internship?
I’ve completed two entire bathroom remodels, including the showers and bathroom floors (both of which were pretty big tile jobs) – I had never worked with tile, so  this was an awesome experience to learn from. The biggest job I was on this summer was a five room basement remodel.&nbs

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