Hall of Fame
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology’s Athletic Hall of Fame was established in 2005.
About the Hall of Fame
Athletics have always been an integral part of TSCT as they support the College’s mission to provide educational opportunities to deserving students. Teamwork, discipline, responsibility, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice, and decision-making are only a few of the skills and values our students have learned through our athletic programs. These learning experiences have only been possible because of the love, dedication, and concern of the individuals who have coached or supported Steven’s athletes.
Induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame is a small token of our College’s appreciation for the positive difference this select group of individuals has made in the lives of our students.
Anyone who made a significant contribution to athletics can be nominated. Inductees are selected from all nominations by the Hall of Fame Committee and awarded at an induction ceremony typically held annually in the fall.
Past Inductees
John C. “Pete” Stauffer ’24
Richard “Dick” Bevilacqua
Robert “Legs” Baur ’52
Lawrence R. Davis ’41
Ward H. Douglas ’41
Ronald D. Frey ’51
Art George, Jr. ’57
Edward M. Grissinger ’48
Joseph Kroll ’40
Allen E. McDonald ’53
William A. Wettrau ’54
Robert S. Wiegand ’54
Elmer E. Dixon ’37
Martha D. Taylor, Honorary Alumnus ’94
Jerry “Jessie” James ’53
“Jug” McKeever ’54
Gary J. McCarthy ’62
Douglas A. Fochtman ’64
Larry Ruhl ’64
John K. Johnson ’64
James H. Brison ’58
Fletcher “Fletch S. Carrol ’59
Michael G. Gerfin ’64
David R. Haines ’78
Ernest “Ernie” J. Kun ’61
James E. Maurey
Robert “Leroy” L. Sydnor ’58
Lawrence Zimmerman ’62
Jack Childs
Eugene G. Groff
Joseph M. Holubek ’63
Jeffrey Kantor ’62
Fran Presley ’76
Ogler Norris
Denis W. Anderson ’57
George E. Burke, Jr.
Gerald O. Harrison
Keith M. Kreider ’77
Terry L. Anderson Sr. ’82
Ralph V. Kraft ’49-’84
Ronald W. Michael ’75
Warren S. Taylor ’79
Ellsworth Lear ’54
Michael Plaxa ’53
Mickey J. Shriver ’55
The 1980-81 Cross Country Team
Paul Cameron
Wayne Deibler ’57
Francis Doyle ’72
John Hackash ’63
Chet Knight ’56
Bryan Pitts ’80
Joe Wysock ’06
Robert Parsons ’58
William Young ’58
George Noll ’59
Charles Decker ’61
Brian Allen ’79
Timothy Draper ’92
Jacob Warner ’06
Jeremiah Warner ’06
William J. Painter ’56
John L. Reed, III ’62
Anthony C. Freeman ’86
Christopher L. Moore ’03
Brandon J. Davis ’08
2002 Football Team
John R. Arner ’65
Robert “Bob” Sloat ’45
Charles H. Brown ’60
James Groff ’85
Michael “Cy” Young ’68-’88
Bradley Zimmerman ’05
James “Jim” Milham ’62
Adam S. Aston ’03
Michael T. Gardner ’02
Ernest E. Horning ’50
Donald J. Mangold ’60
Cornel J. Merricks ’02
Daniel L. Ober ’01
Ricardo Valentino ’83
Michael J. Ancona ’85
John T. Atkins Jr. ’85
Milton E. Baxter Jr. ’79
Frank R. Gaffney ’12
Larry R. Karper ’65
Stephen L. Montgomery ’60
CT (Joe) Wang ’58
Stephen L. Washington ’92
Jason S. Cavanaugh ’01
Austin K. Cseh ’13
Daulton Joseph Derr ’11
Michael E. Liskey ’90
Christopher Meyers ’05
Willie R. Miles ’92
Bill Southward
Philip Tuohey ’83
Clifford Still ’88
Donald Harrison ’08
Justin Dudurich ’12
Adam Will ’13
Kenneth Randall ’13
Kyle Bennet ’09
Joel Leicy ’13
Lamar McLean ’12
Wayne Moyer ’88
Rodney Simione ’90
Benjamin Witmer ’02
Jenelle I. Clayborne ’02
Joe Ganse
Phil York
Don Wagner ’78 Michael Crawford ’99 Ray Reyes ’18 James McMasters ’83 Juan Jones ’03 Larrain Payne ’13 Jeff Miller ’88