Internship Information
Student Support
Internship Program Mission
The mission of the Internship Program at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is to provide undergraduates with a means to integrate academic theories and principles with practical job experience through cooperative education and internships, thereby reinforcing and expanding classroom learning while preparing them for postgraduate employment. In support of the mission of the college, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology’s Internship Program is committed to Equal Opportunity in education, employment, and participation in university activities and programs, without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, political ideas, marital status, physical or mental disabilities, or national origin.
Statement of Internship Policies
Operating out of Career Services, The Internship Program is an educational program whereby a student completes work experience in their respective field of study. Should the student elect to earn credits for the experience, the credits earned do not count toward program requirements. There is no tuition for the internship course. Students elect to participate in an internship with a sponsoring employer directly related to their field of study. Therefore, work experience becomes the students’ classroom. The Internship reinforces the skills, competencies, and knowledge attained by the student. The Internship also demonstrates the relevance of the subject matter taught at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
For Students
Optional Internship Courses Available:
- One (1), two (2), and three (3) credit internships are available each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer). A student may earn up to 12 internship credits during the Associate Degree program.
- Each credit requires 50 work hours (for example, a 3-credit internship requires 150 work hours).
Student Eligibility Requirements:
- The student intends to work at a job that is within the major discipline.
- The student has earned at least a 2.5 GPA in his/her major program of study.
- The student has completed a minimum of 12 credits in the major program of study.
- Any enrolled students who meet the student eligibility requirements can apply to earn college credits for their internship/work experience. This is completely optional.
- ALL Student Interns employed by the college and ALL students living on campus over the summer while working in their field are REQUIRED to earn internship credits for their work.
- Students must complete the internship application form at the beginning of the semester in which they will be working. There is no tuition cost for this course.
- Then, the student must meet with the Internship Coordinator (Laurie Grove), who will provide details and course requirements. This includes all forms, the number of work hours required, the determination of a passing grade, and the daily work logs.
- The work hours of the Internship must be completed within the semester (fall, spring, or summer). “Incompletes” will not be awarded.
- The Internship cannot be used to satisfy or replace elective general education course requirements. Internship credits earned are in addition to the required model schedule. (CSET is currently the only program major that has a fourth-semester embedded internship requirement)
- Bi-weekly logs for up to 150 hours must be submitted to the Internship Coordinator throughout the internship, along with an end-of-the-semester Internship Essay to receive the credits.
For Employers
Student Responsibilities and Guidelines:
- Arrange his/her own transportation to the sponsoring employer.
- Show satisfactory progress in work assignments to sponsoring employer and Instructor.
- Maintain attendance record as agreed upon with sponsoring employer.
- Contact the sponsoring employer in advance to report all absences for the normal work schedule.
- Maintain good conduct, in actions and towards others, on the job and at school.
- Complete a final internship self-evaluation and review it with the sponsoring employer and internship coordinator.
- Complete and submit bi-weekly progress reports to the Internship Coordinator.
Presenting an unsatisfactory attitude, whether at work or school, can result in disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Internship Program.
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Responsibility and Guidelines:
- Publish and follow the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Internship Committee Mission Statement, Strategy, and Plan.
- Review and file the students’ completed weekly progress reports.
- Conduct a final Internship evaluation and review with the student.
Sponsoring Employer’s Responsibilities and Guidelines:
- Provide the student with a copy of the company’s environmental, health, safety, and human resource policies and procedures.
- Provide the student with supervised on-the-job training.
- Arrange a work schedule agreeable to the sponsoring employer and student.
- Inform Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology if the student conducts himself/herself in an inappropriate or unprofessional manner or has violated documented any company policy or procedure.
- Review and sign the student’s bi-weekly progress report.
- Permit scheduled visits by the faculty and/or staff of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology—regarding the student and the Internship program.
- Contact the student’s designated emergency contact individual should an accident, injury, or illness occur to the student during work hours. Following the sponsoring employer’s written policy and with approval from the student’s emergency contact, notify Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, Vice President of Academic Affairs, or appropriate faculty member that an accident, injury, or illness has occurred to the student during work hours.
- Complete a final Internship student evaluation and submit it to the Internship Coordinator (Evaluation form provided by the college)