Accessibility Services
Student Support
The Office of Accessibility Services honors the legacy of Thaddeus Stevens by advocating for accessible facilities and services and encouraging all academically qualified individuals with disabilities to achieve their full potential.
The Office encourages academically qualified students with disabilities to achieve their full potential by fostering self-advocacy, independence, and the use of technology. The support, accommodation, and integration of individuals with disabilities require cooperation and coordination with all departments, offices, and personnel on the Stevens Campus. Within the limits of HIPPA and FERPA; the Accessibility Office (AO) provides information to educate the campus community so that programs and services are delivered equitably and efficiently to all members of the campus community.
We’re here to help
Contact Us
Michele Cherubin
Accessibilities Coordinator
If you are a current or incoming student, you can login using your stevenscollege.edu email and access our Accessibility Site.
Key Facts
Students requesting accommodations or services due to a disability are required to submit documentation to determine eligibility in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Amendment Act of 2009.
- The student must make the request, not the parent.
- The college, via Accessibility Services, determines reasonable accommodations.
- Disability documentation is very specific (see below).
- Disability information is confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis.
- Students with disabilities must be “otherwise qualified” and able to perform essential functions with or without accommodations.
- Accommodations are not retroactive.
- Accommodations may not be provided without written approval from the Accessibility Services Coordinator.
Common Accomodations
- Academic
- Dietary
- Emotional support animals
- Housing
- Injury
- Medical
- Mobility
- Service animals
- Testing
FAQs Regarding Accessibility Support
I am a student with a disability. Do I have to register with the Accessibility Office?
No. Students with disabilities are not required to register with our office. Only if you require an accommodation, do you need to register with us. Disclosure of a disability is always voluntary.
How do I disclose my disability?
Disability information is protected information; therefore, the student must disclose and personally request accommodations. Further, individuals within the campus community are only informed of a student’s disability on a “need-to-know” basis. As accommodations are provided through coordination with various offices and individuals on campus, the student signs a service agreement acknowledging their responsibilities and the procedure for obtaining accommodations. The provision of accommodations is confirmed through the signed Approved Accommodations Form that is taken by the student to each instructor and service provider as is appropriate at the start of each semester.
What are the steps for implementating accommodations?
- Register with the Accessibility Office.
- Email documentation to accessibility@stevenscollege.edu or request an interview.
- Receive an accommodation letter outlining approved accommodations.
- Schedule a transition interview (this only happens once, not every semester).
- Sign Accommodation letter.
- Each semester acknowledge you are continuing your accommodations.
- Reach out to the Accessibility Coordinator if you need to discuss changes to your approved accommodations.
What type of documentation do I need to get accommodations?
Specific documentation is required to document a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2009 Amendment Act (ADAAA). Documentation must be current and provide evidence of a disability that affects a major life activity.
Further, students may be diagnosed with a disability but must also be “otherwise qualified” for their program of study. “Otherwise qualified” is defined by the ADA as being able to perform essential skills with or without accommodations. Therefore, specific accommodations may be cited in provided documentation; but not considered reasonable, as accommodations in college may not alter the pace, content, or essential skills required for a course or program of study. Your documentation should include:
- Must include a specific diagnosis (Ex. a specific learning disability in reading).
- Must state how disability substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning.
- Must cite accommodations that are appropriate for the disability with supporting rationale (Note: Accommodations may not alter pace, content, academic level, or essential skills)
- Must include objective data regarding aptitude, achievement, IQ, information processing, and standard test scores that reflect the current level of ability (Ex: Reading comprehension is 10th-grade level)
- Must reflect a current need.
- Must be completed by a professional such as a psychologist or medical professional.
- May need to include medical clearance if the student is entering a “Safety Sensitive” Program.
- If you do not have specific documentation please indicate on the Accommodation request form and the Accessibility Coordinator will set up an interview
Types of documentation accepted, but not limited to:
- IEP and Evaluation Report or Psychological
- Letter from a physician
- Discharge Summary
What if I do not have documentation, what should I do?
Please register with the Accessibility Office by completing the accommodation request from and indicate you need help with documentation. The Accessibility Coordinator will schedule an interview to discuss student concerns. If you have specific questions email accessibility@stevenscollege.edu
What do I do if I need accommodations for a food allergy, having an emotional support animal, parking, or specific housing accommodations?
Please register with the Accessibility Office by completing the Accommodation Request form. The Accessibility Coordinator will email you the specific forms needed for such accommodations.
What if I need accommodations for the placement/entrance exam?
Students must submit documentation no later than two weeks prior to the date they would like to test. Students should not schedule their actual test date until they have received their Approved Accommodations Letter. Students should schedule their entrance tests through the Admissions Office and not through the Accessibility Office.
What type of accommodations are available for student with a disability?
Services and accommodations are determined on an individual basis. The Accessibility Coordinator will discuss supports available during a transition meeting. Examples of such accommodations may include but are not limited to: extended time for testing, testing in a separate room, volunteer note-takers, recording devices, sign language interpreters, and equipping school computers with screen-reading, voice recognition or other adaptive software or hardware. Campus accommodations examples are parking, housing, and meal plan.
What if I am experiencing a medical issue that is affecting my attendance?
First, see the nurse and submit all your medical documentation to the nurse. The nurse may recommend you request accommodations. A meeting will be scheduled with the Accessibility Office.
What do I do if I am injured and need temporary accommodations?
First, provide all medical documentation to the nurse. After reviewing your documentation, the nurse will refer you to the Accessibility Office. The Accessibility Office will schedule an interview to discuss accommodations.
How long does it take to get accommodations started?
Student are encouraged to request accommodations at the time they are completing their application. The Accessibility Office will work with students over the summer to have accommodations in place at the start of the Fall semester. If you request accommodations after the start of the semester it can take 1-2 week to get them implemented.
What if I only need accommodations for some of my classes or just a certain tests or exam?
It is always the students’ choice to use accommodations as they want. The accommodations may not be needed in every class or for every assessment. It is important to have accommodations in place at the start of the semester.
What types of accommodations are not provided?
- Personal devices such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, or glasses.
- Personal care services such as assistance with eating, toileting, dressing, or storing and dispensing of medication.
- Accommodations that would fundamentally alter the nature of a program.
- Accommodations that lower or substantially modify academic or program standards.
- Accommodations that are unduly burdensome, administratively or financially.
What is the difference between High School vs. College?
High School | College |
High school is governed by the individual with Disability Act (IDEA). | Postsecondary education is governed by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). |
Students with a disability are guaranteed access to a free and appropriate education (FAPE). | “Non- discrimination” law: the college may not discriminate in recruitment, in admissions, or after admissions based on a disability. However, they do not guarantee successful learning or mandate the creation of special programs for persons with disabilities. |
School attendance is mandatory. | Students need to follow the school handbook and instructor syllabus for attendance guidelines. Students can be dismissed from class or college for missing too many days. |
Schools must provide services designed to meet student’s individual needs (instruction, modifications, accommodations) based on their individual education program (IEP or 504). | Reasonable accommodations may be made to provide equal access and participation for students with a disabilities; however, formal special education services compared to high school are not available. |
Counties are required to identify students with disabilities through free assessments and the evaluation process. | Students are responsible for coordinating with staff and faculty to receive accommodation. |
School officials monitor students progress towards their individual goals and communicate openly with parents and student. | There are not formal IEPs, so students are responsible for monitoring their own progress and communication with instructors, academic advisors, and parents themselves. |
Depending on the transition needs laid out in the individual education plan, schools often help connect students to community support services. | Students are responsible for making their own connections with school-provided or external support services. |
What types of question will the Accessibility Coordinator ask during our interview or transition meeting?
- What brought you here today?
- What environments create barriers/challenges for you? What barriers/challenges in the classroom or otherwise are you experiencing currently?
- How does X experience impact you?
- What type of classroom environment do you prefer?
- What solutions have worked in the past?
- What solutions might work in this situation based on your assessment?
- How is X class designed? How are you graded?
- What kind of exams or assessments work well for you?
- What is it about Y test (class, paper, etc.) that meant you didn’t need accommodations for it?
- What types of assignments do you enjoy? What types of assignments challenge you?
- What is your experience when reading (focus, comprehension, etc.)?
- How is the housing experience going?
- What accommodations did you use in high school?
What happens if I have accommodations and I am still not doing well in class?
Students with accommodations should be treated the same as any other students. Instructors my send an alert to the student’s academic coach. Students can also schedule a meeting with the accessibility coordinator to discuss and review accommodations. Accommodations do not guarantee success.
Can a student receive a failing grade in college class in which they have received accommodations?
Yes, Accommodations ensure “access” not “success.”
What if a student feels he or she has been discriminated against because of their disability?
Submit a grievance in writing to the Accessibility Coordinator. The Accessibility Coordinator will contact the submittor within 15 calendar days after receipt of the complaint to discuss the complaint and will respond in writing within 15 days of the discussion. Try to resolve the complaint by meeting with the key people involved. The Accessibility Office may reach out to the Title IX or Dean of Student Success if further assistance is warranted.
What resources are available to help with internships and employment?
Students should register with career services on campus. The Accessible Office is also available for resources for when to disclose to employers, understanding what reasonable accommodations you can access from your employer and other important resources.
Federal workforce program for college students with disabilities.
The College also supports students with accessibility needs through its Career Services Office.
Pennsylvania Career Link offers the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.