Garrett Morse Internship

Garrett, a Computer Integrated Machining program major, interned at FRB Machine in the Summer of 2024.  

FRB Machine is a production and maintenance machine shop that provides precision workmanship, machining shafts, hubs, rolls, couplings, sleeves, bushings, collars, flanges, spacers, pins, studs, and more.  

We asked Garrett to share about his experience on the job! 

How did you find out about your internship? 

After I graduated high school, I applied at multiple machine shops hoping to get a summer internship between my semesters at college. I received a job offer from FRB and I still work there on school breaks!  

What does your day-to-day look like at the internship? 

When I go into work, I’m usually one of the first ones there every day – myself and one other individual start by powering up the shop and turning on the machines to be ready to run for the day. I usually work on cleaning and then when I have blueprints to cut materials or instructions on a job, I set up a machine to run. From there I will take on many different responsibilities, including cleaning, running a machine, setting up machines for others to use, cutting stock for orders, or packaging parts to be shipped out.  

What is something you were surprised to learn in your time as an intern? 

I discovered I enjoyed the work more as I gained more confidence in what I am doing each day, earning some independence and not relying on guidance as much.  

What has been the best thing about your internship experience? 

The best thing about my internship is it’s a very small shop – there are not many workers, so everyone is very friendly and willing to help me learn and stay fresh as I gain knowledge. My boss wants me to continue to learn new things and continually trains me on new ideas and processes.  

Tell me a story about something that happened one day as part of your time as an intern? 

My favorite story from work is once I arrived early and was sitting in my car, waiting for others to arrive as well to go into the building, and I fell asleep while I waited. Once others arrived, they noticed I was asleep and all gathered around my car, then they all tapped on the windows and laughing that I was asleep in my car! 

Would you recommend seeking out an internship to other students at TSCT? Why or why not? 

I would highly recommend getting an internship if you are in the Computer Integrated Machining program especially at Thaddeus Stevens because it’s a great way to continually learn and be around your trade. It keeps the knowledge in your head and also you’re doing real work in the field.  

How do you think this experience will help you for your future? 

I think as I continue to work there I will learn more and become more confident with what I do and I’ll be a well-rounded worker coming out of college.

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