Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Annual Faculty and Staff Awards  

We are delighted to announce the winners of our three hard-earned annual awards: the Excellence in Teaching Award, the Munro Award, and the Lydia Hamilton Smith Diversity Award.  

Excellence in Teaching Award   

This year, the Excellence in Teaching Award goes to Mike Brady, a dedicated faculty member in our Graphic Communications and Printing Technology program. Each year, the College seeks nominations from students and employees to recognize an exceptional faculty member. Criteria for the award include enthusiasm in the classroom, preparedness, relevance of the material, and the ability to encourage diverse viewpoints.  

Mike Brady was praised for creating an encouraging and welcoming classroom environment, demonstrating extreme dedication to the College and its students, and always being prepared with cutting-edge technology and techniques. His commitment to student success and his ability to inspire enthusiasm and passion in his students made him a standout candidate. Congratulations, Mike Brady, on this well-deserved honor!  

Lydia Hamilton Smith Diversity Award   

The Lydia Hamilton Smith Diversity Award was established to acknowledge staff members whose work supports the College in meaningful ways, often behind the scenes. Named after Lydia Hamilton-Smith, a significant figure in Thaddeus Stevens’ life and a prominent African American businesswoman, this award honors those who embody her spirit of dedication and support.  

This year’s recipient, Amber Duh, has exemplified these qualities. As the Registrar and a key player on the Ellucian Implementation Team, Amber has managed an enormous workload with remarkable dedication. Her tireless efforts in supporting students, faculty, and staff demonstrate her commitment to the College’s success. Amber’s work is essential to our academic, retention, and reporting efforts. Congratulations, Amber!  

Munro Award   

The Alex B. Munro Diversity Award acknowledges faculty or staff members whose extraordinary contributions advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at the College. This year’s recipient, Ms. Paulina Rodriguez, was praised for her relentless dedication to helping every student succeed. She goes above and beyond her duties, often lobbying on behalf of students to ensure they receive the support they need.  

Paulina’s determination and commitment to the mission of the College are inspiring. If she sees a student who needs support, she will bang on every door until every student gets what they need, because, as Paulina knows, students are why we exist, and she never forgets that. Her efforts have helped numerous students stay enrolled and succeed in their studies.   

Each of these awards highlight the incredible dedication and impact of our faculty and staff at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. We are proud of their contributions and look forward to their continued excellence in supporting our students and community. 

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