Emergency Assistance Fund
Student Support
Get Assistance When You Need It Most
The Student Emergency Assistance Fund is a partnership between the Office of the President and the Offices of Advancement, Student Success, Student Services, and Academic Affairs. Through generous donors and the commitment of the College, funds are provided to support students who experience financial hardship due to an emergency or unanticipated event. These funds are not intended for reoccurring costs that a student may have.
Students interested in applying for funding assistance should complete the online application. Faculty and Staff who are aware of a student in need are encouraged to help them through the process. The Student Emergency Assistance Fund Committee will keep a student’s request for assistance as confidential as possible.
A small committee appointed by the President reviews applications. Applications are reviewed throughout the year, and every attempt is made to respond as quickly as possible. Award amounts will vary depending on need and available funds. Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine support, amount, and duration. Typically, the payment is made to the student, but in some cases, it may be made to a third party or vendor. Due to limited funding, not all requests can be granted.
These funds provide assistance to students who may be experiencing a financial barrier that is or will impede their academic success while enrolled at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
Eligible Students
- Enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits in the term in which funds are requested.
- Exhausted all need-based financial aid options available, including student loans.
- Experienced an emergency, accident, illness, or other unforeseen event.
Eligible Expenses May Include
- Medications and other related emergency medical care costs.
- Overdue utility bills resulting in shut-off notice.
- Homelessness, sudden loss of housing, or imminent eviction.
- Loss of childcare.
- Food Insecurity.
- Travel expenses due to a serious illness, death, or emergency in the student’s support system.
- Safety needs.
Examples of Non-eligible Expenses
- Tuition, college fees, and health insurance.
- Parking tickets, library fines, or other fines that were preventable.
- Costs for entertainment, recreation, or non-emergency travel over breaks.
- Housing and meal plan costs.
Application Process
- The student should complete the online application.
- On the application, indicate the reason for the need and the intended use of funds. Documentation may be required to verify the need.
- Once the application is received, an appointment with the Dean of Student Success may be needed to better understand the circumstances.
- The Student Emergency Assistance Fund Committee will review the submitted application and documents.
- The committee will make a recommendation to the Vice President of College Advancement.
- Once a decision has been made, the student will be contacted immediately.
- If approved, funds will be distributed within 72 hours.
- Students must agree to the conditions of the funds. This may include a thank you letter to a donor, paying it back, community service, etc.