Department of Security
Student Support
We’re here to help
Contact Us
24 hours a day/7 days a week:
Non-Emergency (State Police):
Security Guards
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology security guards are hired to help protect students and employees, the campus, and residence halls against intruders and possible damage or thefts. Please treat these individuals with courtesy; they are working for you. Be prepared to show your I.D. card if requested.
The College has five components to its security services:
- Management of the electronic button system.
- Responsibility for Main Campus, Griscom Education Center, Greiner Advanced Manufacturing Center, Thaddeus Stevens College Transportation Center, and Thaddeus Stevens College at Greenfield Center.
- Personnel who are stationed, at times, in each residence hall for safety purposes.
- Personnel who are stationed in the Multipurpose Activity Center (MAC).
- Conduct motor patrols.
The security personnel are under the supervision of the College’s Vice President for Student Services.
Crime Statistics
In accordance with the Student Right‐to‐Know, Campus Security Act, College and University Security Information Act (Act 73 of 1988) and the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA) a Crime Statistics report is available online to provide both current and prospective students, faculty, and staff with information pertinent to security measures and crime statistics at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
Campus Fire Safety Report
The fire safety report contains fire safety policies and procedures related to on‐campus student housing and statistics for fires that occurred in those facilities.
Emergency Notification
The College has an emergency notification system called RAVE that can email and text information about an emergency directly to students. On the College’s portal for current students, Thad’s Pad, (my.stevenscollege.edu) there is an application that allows students to enter information on how they wish to be contacted in an emergency.
Medical Services
For assistance with non-life-threatening illnesses or accidents, please email Melissa Meshey, Health Services Nursing Supervisor at healthcenter@stevenscollege.edu. Visit the Health Services webpage for more information.
Student Right-to-Know Campus Security Act
In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, the institution is required to make readily available information regarding graduation rates and campus safety policies and procedures. Graduation information is obtainable from the director of assessments and accountability, while campus safety information is filed in the Campus Safety Office, the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration, and the Office of Student Services. A log of all reported crimes with the names and addresses of those who have been charged in those incidents is available in the Business Office during normal working hours.