Career & Industry Open House

    04.08.17 | TSCT News

    Lancaster, PA - The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, families smiling and awaiting anxiously to learn more about the various programs Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology has to offer - the Annual Spring Open House is officially here. 

    On Saturday, April 8, 2017 Thaddeus Stevens welcomed 1,080 guests to campus. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology faculty and staff, along with industry leaders, prepared for an expo full of opportunities for prospective students. Students and their families had the chance to speak with future professors and instructors on what to expect in any of TSCT's 22 majors, plus hear direct from industry representatives looking to hire our graduates what a career in their industry is like.

    Students, families and alumni had the opportunity to explore campus at their own leisure, going into shops and talk to current students from their perspectives and professors in their natural setting or if they were looking for specific information, they could attend one of the many breakout sessions we had to offer: from career services to academic support to campus life

    If you were unable to attend, you can find out more information by exploring our website or contacting our Admissions department.

    You can relive the entire day below:

    Click here to view photos from the Spring Open House