Pennsylvania Act State Council Selects Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology 2015 Community College Exemplar

    04.06.15 | TSCT News

    Lancaster College Recognized As the Top Two Year College In Pennsylvania

    LANCASTER, PA – The PA ACT State Council has selected Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology as the 2015 Community Exemplar for the state of Pennsylvania. The award is part of ACT’s third annual College and Career Readiness Campaign, its largest yet with 30 partner states, including Pennsylvania. The Campaign culminates in ACT’s National Gala for College and Career Readiness in Washington, D.C. in June. One student, one high school, one community college and one employer will be chosen from amongst the state exemplars for national recognition.

    “Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is honored to be named as ACT’s Community College Exemplar for the Commonwealth,” said Thaddeus Stevens’ President Dr. William Griscom. “Through the hands on learning in our programs, our significant job placement of 100% from most of our 21 majors, and our strong connections with business and industry, the College takes pride in preparing the next generation of technical and trade-related employees.”

    Community college exemplars are evaluated based on the following criteria, wherever applicable:

    • Accessibility of career readiness assessments and career preparation programs
    • Strength of relationships with local employers
    • Student success indicators including second-year retention, graduation, and four-year-college transfer rates, including for students from underrepresented racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds
    • Demonstrated dedication to career planning and to providing a support structure for students
    • Demonstrated commitment to providing leadership opportunities for students outside the classroom

    "We are excited to honor Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology with this award,” said Scott Montgomery, ACT vice president for policy, advocacy and government relations.  “Highlighting the college's consistent and successful efforts will provide motivation and inspiration to other education and workplace leaders to follow in their footsteps in making college and career success a reality for more individuals in Pennsylvania.”

    Following exemplar selections in each of the 30 partner states, national award recipients will be recognized at the ACT National Gala for College and Career Readiness in Washington, D.C., on June 9, 2015. An ACT selection committee will review all state exemplars and choose 16 national semifinalists in early April. A national selection committee comprised of education and workforce development leaders will then select one honoree per category for national recognition at the gala.

    The 30 participating states are:

    Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

    To learn more about the ACT College & Career Readiness Campaign and view highlights from prior years, visit